Invitation to Pi Tau Sigma is only extended to those at the top of their engineering class. Nominations are sent every semester to qualified members with a 3.25 GPA, juniors within the top 25% of their class, and seniors within the top 35% of their class.
Nominated members will be:
- Eligible for leadership positions
- Eligible for Pi Tau Sigma scholarships
- Able to network with more students and mentors of similar interests
- Able to contribute to the community through your involvement
- Eligible to redeem Honors Council points for rewards
- Eligible for internship/job offers exclusive to Pi Tau Sigma members only
Membership signifies that:
- You are a lifetime member
- You are immediately recognized for your academic achievement
- You endorse and support the engineering profession
- You go well beyond normal student activities
- $70 lifetime membership fee
- Attend an information session
- Attend induction ceremony
- Attend all PTS member meetings
- Attend at least one PTS-sponsored event